Are you ready for the BEST. DAY. EVER?
At Epic, we love to celebrate your decision to follow Christ and make that decision public by following through with baptism. We truly believe that this day will be your BEST. DAY. EVER.
You may have accepted Christ at Epic or someplace else. It may have happened today, or it could have been many years ago. You may have even been baptized before, but realized that your decision to follow Christ truly came later. If any of these descriptions fit you, then baptism is your Next Step!
Baptism is the outward expression of an inward decision. If you have accepted Christ, we would love to baptize you and share this special decision with you to go public with your faith!
To register for our next baptism, complete the form here: Best. Day. Ever. Registration
Congratulations, in advance, on taking your Next Step!
1. Jesus instructs us to be baptized and set the example by being baptized.
(Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 1:9)
2. Obedience to Jesus shows we believe and follow Him.
(1 John 2:3)
3. Jesus went public about His love for us, we can go public about our love for Him. Being baptized shows that we have turned away from a life of sin, and toward Jesus, the only one who can change us.
(Acts 2:38-41)
If your child would like to be baptized here at Epic, we are excited to celebrate this milestone with your family! If you would like your child to meet with a Pastor or our Children's Director prior to their baptism, just email and someone will be in touch very soon!