At Epic, we believe that growing in generosity is part of the transformational journey of following Jesus. When God invites us to follow Him, what He really wants is for us to be like him. Oftentimes this starts out as obedience to simply give to God our tithes and offerings.
Our hope is that it grows to a place of joyful unhindered generosity in every area of our lives, not just giving money to our local church. We want our lives to overflow with kindness and loving others. After all, Jesus told his disciples that they would be known for the way that they love one another.
Curious about what the Bible says about generosity? Check out these scriptures:
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Malachi 3:10
Matthew 6:19-21
Proverbs 11:24-25
Luke 21:1-4
To give, please click on one of the links below that represents your campus or the area you’d like to give to.
If you’d like a copy of our 2020 Financial Year End Report, or if you have any questions related to your giving, please email our Business Administrator, Matt Williams, at
Thank you for your generosity!