Crazy Stupid Love is a week in the fall where we show our community the crazy, stupid love of Christ! There is an outreach event each day the week of September 17th-23rd, so check out the events below and find a way to get involved!
Monday, September 17th- Free Prayer
We are setting up stations in the community to offer free prayer!
To sign up to serve at the event, click the following link:
Tuesday, September 18th- Thank a Mail Man
All Day
Before your mailman arrives on this day, leave a gift, encouraging card, candy, or some other nice surprise to thank your mail carrier for all they do!
Wednesday, September 19th- Babypalooza
We are partnering with Amelia’s Closet for a Babypalooza, a shower for expectant mothers in need. We are accepting donations of diapers, wipes, clothes, and other baby supplies! You can drop your donations off at Epic during office hours or service times. Another way you can help is by serving at the Babypalooza! To sign up to serve at the event, click the following link:
Thursday, September 20th- Athens Campus Gas Giveaway
Join us for the gas giveaway as we meet people at the pump to pay for their gas at local gas stations in Athens, AL. To sign up to serve at the event, click the following link:
Friday, September 21st- Football Friday
Who doesn’t love football on a Friday? Join us as we surprise some Austin Black Bears fans with free tickets to the game!
To sign up to serve at the event, click the following link:
Saturday, September 22nd- Community Makeover
We are going to different locations in our community to do some painting, landscaping, and cleaning up to help those areas look beautiful and excellent! To sign up to serve at the event, click the following link:
Sunday, September 23rd- Blood Drive
Did you know that by giving blood you save the lives of 3 local patients? Become a hero by signing up to give blood! The LifeSouth buses will be out in front of Epic on this day. Every person that gives blood will get a FREE t-shirt from LifeSouth with Epic’s logo added to it! You will also get a voucher for a free sandwich from Whitt’s BBQ! Help us reach our goal of 80 donors!! To sign up to give, click the following link: